Rondo Awards 2018 – B-Movie Cast and More!


It’s time to wrap up my ongoing series to recognize all of my friends who have been nominated for a prestigious Rondo Award. Today, we have not one but multiple nominees in several different categories.

First and foremost, we have the B-Movie Cast! Launched by the late and Rondo award-winning Vince Rotolo back in 2006, this podcast is closing in on episode 400! Mary, Nic and Juan are keeping the tradition alive and I know that Vince is tuning in every week as he smiles at the legacy he left behind. Vote for it in the Best Multi-Media Site category.

Next, there is Rod Barnett, one of the masterminds behind the Naschycast. Rod wrote an amazing article for issue 34 of Screem magazine on Paul Naschy. Add this issue to your collection and dive into the world of Paul Naschy. Vote for it in the Best Article category.

Dr. Gangrene is nominated in not one but two categories. He writes a regular column for Scary Monsters magazine called The Doctor is In-Sane (Best Columnist). When he’s not typing away on his laptop, he hosts a regular video series featuring the films we all love, not to mention his fantastic series on the films of Vincent Price (Favorite Horror Host of 2017).

Have you checked out George McGowan’s amazing Collecting Classic Monsters site? It’s the digital clubhouse for monster kids and collectors. You’ll spend hours looking at all of the monster goodness but make sure you vote for it in the Best Website or Blog of 2017 category.

Finally, Steve Vertlieb has written an article on legendary writer Robert Bloch for website. Steve recalls his 25-year friendship with him in Robert Bloch: The Clown at Midnight. Be sure to vote for Steve in the Best Article category.

The 16th Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards ballot is now live and waiting for your votes. These awards are voted on by fans for fans and highlight the best of the best of 2017.

Voting is easy to do. Simply go to the Rondo Awards website and follow the instructions. It’s a little old school and there are a lot of categories, so make sure you take your time. You don’t have to vote in every category and you can always write in your own suggestion because they might have missed something or someone worth recognizing. Just remember, voting ends at midnight April 8!

Rondo Awards 2018 – Stephen D. Sullivan


Today, as part of my ongoing series to recognize all of my friends who have been nominated for a prestigious Rondo Award, I want you to consider award-winning author Stephen D. Sullivan as a write-in for the Best Writer of 2017 category.

While Steve didn’t have anything new officially published in 2017, anyone who knows him also knows that he’s always writing and creating. Last year, Steve began his newest novel, Dr. Cushing’s Chamber of Horrors, in a very unique fashion. He’s publishing chapters on his website approximately every two weeks. And if you become part of his Patreon campaign, you get the chapters earlier than everyone else along with other exciting perks.

Now, it’s an incredibly fun story for those of us monster kids who love Hammer and Universal films, Dark Shadows, and the works of Roger Corman and Christopher R. Mihm. Once the story is complete, expected to happen this year, it will be published in both ebook and print format. So, keep that in mind for next year’s Rondo Awards. For now, let’s all recognize his hard work on this great story with a write-in nomination for Best Writer of 2017.

The 16th Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards ballot is now live and waiting for your votes. These awards are voted on by fans for fans and highlight the best of the best of 2017.

Voting is easy to do. Simply go to the Rondo Awards website and follow the instructions. It’s a little old school and there are a lot of categories, so make sure you take your time. You don’t have to vote in every category and you can always write in your own suggestion because they might have missed something or someone worth recognizing. Just remember, voting ends at midnight April 8!

Come back again as I continue to highlight my friends who have been nominated in this year’s Rondo Awards!

Rondo Awards 2018 – Desmond Reddick


It’s time to get back on track in my ongoing series to recognize all of my friends who have been nominated for a prestigious Rondo Award. Today, I want you to consider Desmond Reddick as a write-in on several different categories.

Desmond has been giving us a weekly dose of the Dread Media podcast for 550 episodes now and it’s still going strong. It’s hard to believe but I’ve been listening since episode 100 and an active participant for almost as long. After years of providing voicemail feedback, I joined the show with a regular feature back in the summer of 2015. The show is a weekly journey down the rabbit hole into a world of film conversation, music, interviews and all around goodness. I highly recommend it as a write-in for Best Multi-Media Horror Site.

Desmond is also a published author and his latest book, Mother of Abominations: A Monster Earth Novel, was published in 2017. It’s a world where giant monsters reign supreme, so what more do you need to know? It’s available on Amazon and should certainly be considered for Book of the Year. Desmond should also be considered for Best Writer of the Year as he is certainly one of us monster kids.

The 16th Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards ballot is now live and waiting for your votes. These awards are voted on by fans for fans and highlight the best of the best of 2017.

Voting is easy to do. Simply go to the Rondo Awards website and follow the instructions. It’s a little old school and there are a lot of categories, so make sure you take your time. You don’t have to vote in every category and you can always write in your own suggestion because they might have missed something or someone worth recognizing. Just remember, voting ends at midnight April 8!

Come back tomorrow as I highlight another friend nominated in this year’s Rondo Awards!

Classic Horrors Club Podcast – What’s Your Story, Peter Lorre?


It’s time for episode 16 of the Classic Horrors Club Podcast and this month, Jeff and I take a look at the films of Peter Lorre. We talk about Mad Love (1935), The Beast with Five Fingers (1946) and Tales of Terror (1962)! Plus, we take care of our usual business along with a voicemail and giving away a prize!

You can participate in our next meeting!  Simply leave us a message at:

(616) 649-2582
That’s (616) 649-CLUB

…or visit us in our clubhouse at:

Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast – The Last Man on Earth (1924)


The March 2018 Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is now available for your listening pleasure. This month, Monster Movie Kid reopens the Kansas City Crypt to take a look at the extremely rare 1924 silent sci-fi flick, The Last Man on Earth, based on a short story by Mary Shelley. It was screened at the recent Kansas Silent Film Festival and is well worth watching if you ever get a chance.