Countdown to Halloween Day 6 – Vincent Price on the Radio

We all know the filmography of Vincent Price but just how well do you know his radio career?

Vincent actually had a prolific career during the glory days of old time radio. While some of his appearances were crime dramas like the The Saint or comedic guest appearances on such shows as The Jack Benny Program, he also had quite a few trips into the horror realm on shows like Suspense or Escape.

So, during this Halloween season, turn off the TV for a little while and let the imagination of your mind take you into the dark corners of a golden age. Below are just some suggestions for the first steps of your journey.



Price of Fear

This BBC Radio series originally aired for two seasons in 1973 and 1974. Price came back for a third and final season in 1983. This playlist includes 17 of the 20 episodes.

One thought on “Countdown to Halloween Day 6 – Vincent Price on the Radio

  1. Thanks for the links! I am watching him right now, actually, with Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff in The Comedy of Terrors. Always good fun.

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