Go Ape! – War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)

As Go Ape Month concludes here at Monster Movie Kid and on the Classic Horrors Club Podcast, it’s time to wrap things up with a look at the final chapter in the recently reimagined franchise with War for the Planet of the Apes (2017).

Continuing on with the same story established in the first two chapters and a direct sequel to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), our story begins some two years later. The Alpha-Omega militia has been on the hunt for Caesar and his band of apes. Caesar tries to show mercy, especially to a gorilla named Red that he remembers having pledged loyalty to the fallen Koba. Unfortunately, Red escapes with knowledge of where Caesar’s colony is in the forest. When the humans return led by the maniacal Colonel, the battle lines are drawn. Caesar’s wife Cornelia is killed along with his friend Blue Eyes. Caesar vows revenge, leaving the colony, who are headed to safety. Caesar is accompanied by Maurice, Rocket and Luca as they head to the human encampment to end the dispute once and for all.

Unfortunately, the colony is captured and enslaved while Caesar is captured as well and tortured. The Colonel has an impressive stronghold of men and women but Caesar discovers that another militia from the north is headed to confront him, disagreeing with his methods. Caesar also discovers the ALZ virus has mutated, leaving humans mute and mentally devolved. While Caesar feels defeated, Maurice and the others, including the comic relief of the film named Bad Ape and a young mute girl named Nova, are looking for ways to free the prisoners and lead them to a final confrontation and battle.

War for the Planet of the Apes is everything Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973) wanted to be but never achieved. Due to the modern technology of CGI and a much bigger budget, this final film in the trilogy wraps up Caesar’s story in a glorious sendoff. Once again, Andy Serkis brings Ceasar to life as no other actor could and Woody Harrelson’s Colonel is the perfect villain, counterbalancing Caesar’s perennial hero status amongst the fans. Although the film is a little darker, both in theme and visually, I found myself enjoying it even more upon the recent revisit.   

As with the first two films in this trilogy, I highly recommend War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)!

While this story wrapped up the trilogy, a new direction has been set with the recent Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024), leaping forward several generations and continuing the saga of the apes with what’s left of humankind. The adventure will clearly continue for years to come.

A version of this article was originally published in August 2014.

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