Mihmiverse – Cat and the Canary (1927)


This month on episode 61 of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast, the Kansas City Crypt enters the post-Halloween season with a reflection on an event that Monster Movie Kid attended in the past month. Silents in the Cathedral has been going strong for more than two decades now and this year, their silent classic was Cat and the Canary (1927)!

Cat and the Canary (1927) is available on DVD from Kino Lorber. Go with that version, or even some of the ones found on YouTube, rather than the copy available on Amazon Prime Video. Their copy is way too rough to enjoy, especially when you know there is a better print that’s easily available.

Be sure to check out the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm for all of the great merchandise and information on how you can help make future films happen! Chris is hard at work on the next two chapters in the Mihmiverse story as he is in post-production of The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us and pre-production for That Which Lurks in the Dark for 2020. Check out sainteuphoria.com to learn how you can contribute today!

As always, tell ’em Monster Movie Kid sent you!

Countdown to Halloween Day 31 – House of Wax (1953)


Countdown to Halloween Day 31 – House of Wax (1953)
Cast:        Vincent Price as Professor Henry Jarrod
Phyllis Kirk as Sue Allen
Frank Lovejoy as Detective Tom Brennan
Paul Picerni as Scott Andrews
Carolyn Jones as Cathy Gray
Dabbs Greer as Sgt. Jim Shane
Charles Bronson (billed as Charles Buchinsky) as Igor

Story by Charles Belden
Screenplay by Crane Wilbur
Directed by Andre De Toth

Release Date: April 25, 1953

Plot: When his max museum is burned down, creator Professor Henry Jarrod survives to once again open a new museum. But where does he find the lifelike bodies?


Richard’s Review: Having just watched Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) a few months ago, it was interesting to watch House of Wax and do some compare and contrasting. Personally, I prefer Price over Lionel Atwill but there was less mystery here as to who was the scarred man. I kind of missed the reporter role but the vivid colors here are spectacular. But I could have done without the somewhat annoying barker segment, placed to utilize the 3D effects. Beautifully filmed, this is truly one of Vincent Price’s masterpieces. Highly recommended!

Karla’s Thoughts: I loved House of Wax as Vincent Price was awesome in one of his best roles. The colors were amazing. It is definitely different at times from the original, such as in the prolonged opening sequence and the lack of the reporter role. The lead actress here had so much more to do than Fay Wray in the original because of the way the story revolved around her more. I would definitely watch this one again.



  • Andre De Toth was actually blind in one eye, made all the more interesting considering this movie was made in 3D.
  • Vincent Price was nearly burned when the wax museum fire scene got out of control.
  • Phyllis Kirk is well-known actress for her television roles in such shows as The Twilight Zone, Suspense and Tales of Tomorrow.
  • Frank Lovejoy usually played hard-edged or detective-type roles in films, such as Brub Nicolai opposite Humphrey Bogart in the film In a Lonely Place (1950).
  • Carolyn Jones is best remembered for playing Morticia Addams in The Addams Family. She also starred as Marsha, Queen of Diamonds on Batman in the 60s.
  • Paul Percini had a long-running career with over 200 credits on screen and television, including roles in Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Zorro, The Time Tunnel and Batman.
  • Dabbs Greer is better remembered Reverend Alden in Little House on the Prairie but also starred in Science Fiction Theatre, Alfred Hitchcock Presents and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956).
  • Charles Bronson worked with Vincent Price again in Master of the World (1961) but is best remembered for his Death Wish film series and other film roles, such as The Magnificent Seven (1960) and Once Upon a Time in the West (1968).
  • Bela Lugosi appeared at the film premiere wearing a vampire cape and with a man in a gorilla suit on chain.

Availability: House of Wax is available on Blu-ray from Warner Brothers, which also includes Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933).

Countdown to Halloween Day 30 – Masque of the Red Death (1964)


Countdown to Halloween Day 30 – Masque of the Red Death (1964)
Cast:        Vincent Price as Prince Prospero
Hazel Court as Juliana
Jane Asher as Francesca
David Weston as Gino
Nigel Green as Ludovico
Patrick Magee as Alfredo
Skip Martin as Hop Toad
Verina Greenlaw as Esmerelda
John Westbrook as The Man in Red

Based on a short story by Edgar Allan Poe
Screenplay by Charles Beaumont & R. Wright Campbell
Directed by Roger Corman

Release Date: June 24, 1964

Plot: When Prince Prospero discovers the Red Death has arrived in a nearby village, he takes the lovely Francesca to his castle where he and his guests worship Satan and partake in sins of the flesh. However, the mysterious Man in Red has other plans.


Richard’s Review: I absolutely love this film and it’s one of my favorites of Vincent Price. He is so deliciously evil as Prince Prospero. The cast of oddball characters surrounding him are entertaining, especially Hop Toad, whose mannerisms and dialogue made me think of Tyrian from Game of Thrones. However, I have to say I was a little disturbed by Esmerelda being played by a young girl as Alfredo stared at her in lust. Aside from that odd moment, the movie is dark and wicked…and I love it.

Karla’s Thoughts: Vincent Price was amazing and flawless but I really hated to see him play such an evil role. The story was good but a little too dark for me at times. The senseless deaths, such as killing the villagers, and taking pleasure from watching others suffer, was a little hard to watch. This is a really good movie but I’d probably not watch again because it was too dark.



  • Each of the men in various colors at the end of the film are meant to represent a different form of death, such as gold for leprosy and black for the black death.
  • Corman had originally wanted this to be his second Poe flick but decided to wait as he felt elements of the film were similar to The Seventh Seal (1957).
  • Two miles of corridors were constructed to enhance the visual scope of Prospero’s castle.
  • Hazel Court starred in numerous genre films, including The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) with Peter Cushing and The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959), both starring Christopher Lee. She also worked with Vincent Price and Boris Karloff in The Raven (1963).
  • Jane Asher brought a random friend to the set one day and introduced him to Roger Corman, who did not know who he was. The next day, he read that the young man was Paul McCartney.
  • David Weston also starred in Witchcraft (1964) as well as episodes of UFO and The Tomorrow People, as well as seven episodes of Doctor Who.
  • Nigel Green also starred in Corridors of Blood (1958) with Boris Karloff, Jason and the Argonauts (1963), The Skull (1965) with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee and Countess Dracula (1971).
  • Patrick Magee also appeared in Dementia 13 (1963), The Skull (1965) and Die, Monster, Die (1965) with Boris Karloff.
  • Skip Martin also starred in Corridors of Blood (1958), Vampire Circus (1972) and Son of Dracula (1973).
  • Verina Greenlaw was only 8 years old but was supposed to be playing an adult woman. Her role was voiced by an unknown adult actress.
  • John Westbrook also starred in The Tomb of Ligeia (1964) and appeared in numerous British television series including Blake’s 7.

Availability: Masque of the Red Death was available on Blu-ray as part of The Vincent Price Collection I. However, unless you already have it in your collection or have a spare $400 lying around, your better bet is to find the out-of-print Midnite Movies DVD but be patient as you shop around for the best price (pun intended).

Countdown to Halloween Day 29 – Tomb of Ligeia (1964)


Countdown to Halloween Day 29 – Tomb of Ligeia (1964)
Cast:        Vincent Price as Verden Fell
Elizabeth Shepherd as The Lady Rowena Trevanion/The Lady Ligeia
John Westbrook as Christopher Gough

Based on a short story by Edgar Allan Poe
Screenplay by Robert Towne
Directed by Roger Corman

Release Date: January 20, 1965

Plot: Verden Fell buries his wife Ligeia and becomes a recluse until he meets the lovely Rowena. Upon marrying her, old memories and a promise from his late wife that she’d never die continues to haunt him.


Richard’s Review: The location shots make this the brightest and perhaps most real-world of all of Roger Cormen’s Poe flicks. Price is great as always and while Elizabeth Shepherd seemed closer in age to Price than some of his other co-stars, I personally don’t think they had the chemistry needed to convincingly pull off the romantic angle. However, the good script, despite its’ odd plot contrivances, works to tell an entertaining story. It’s definitely a fun and atmospheric movie for the Halloween season.

Karla’s Thoughts: I really liked The Tomb of Ligeia but sad that it didn’t have that happy ending of them being together. Price was great and I really liked Elizabeth Shepherd . I loved the exterior shots but struggled with the lack of accurate science. It was also weird that they randomly pulled Egyptian lore into it, along with a lot of other seemingly random supernatural elements. But, I did enjoy it overall and I would definitely watch it again.



  • Roger Corman considers this the biggest of his Poe films due to the location shooting at Castle Acre Priory, which nearly doubled his usual filming schedule of 15 days. It would be the last of his Poe adaptations despite American International Pictures wanting him to continue.
  • The wedding scene with Verden and Rowena took place in the 900-year old Church of St. John.
  • This was Robert Towne’s second motion picture, following The Last Woman on Earth (1960). Other credits include The Outer Limits and the first two Mission: Impossible films.
  • Elizabeth Shepherd appeared in numerous British television series but genre fans may also remember her from Damien: Omen II (1978).
  • Elizabeth Shepherd loved working with Vincent Price, stating “he made everything seem easy” and that he had a “wickedly witty sense of humor” off screen according to an interview in Scarlet Street in the summer of 1992.
  • John Westbrook also had an uncredited role in The Masque of the Red Death (1964) and appeared in numerous British television series including Blake’s 7.

Availability: Tomb of Ligeia is available on Blu-ray as part of The Vincent Price Collection II.

Countdown to Halloween Day 27 – Escapes (1986)


On episode 634 of the Dread Media Podcast, I walk into dangerous territory with one of Vincent Price’s hardest to find films, Escapes (1986)! This film is practically lost and, honestly, it should be. Don’t say you haven’t been warned!

After recording this segment, I did discover that Escapes has been released on Blu-ray as an extra on the Dark Harvest (1992) release. Or you could just watch it for free on YouTube.

As always, tell ’em Monster Movie Kid sent ya!

Countdown to Halloween Day 26 – The Monster Club (1981)


Countdown to Halloween Day 26 – The Monster Club (1981)
Cast:        Vincent Price as Eramus
John Carradine as R. Chetwynd-Hayes
Barbara Kellerman as Angela
Simon Ward as George
Donald Pleasance as Pickering
Britt Ekland as Mother
Stuart Whitman as Sam

Based on the novel by R. Chetwynd-Hayes
Screenplay by Edward & Valerie Abraham
Directed by Roy Ward Baker

Release Date: May 27, 1981

Plot: Author R. Chetwynd-Hayes is invited to a special club where weird music plays and three tales unfold.


Richard’s Review: This movie seems very out-of-place for 1981 as the simplicity would have worked better in the 60s or 70s. The 80s flavored rock music is an obvious attempt to appeal to a then modern audience that might have considered the film old fashioned, which it really was by 1981 standards. That said, its’ quirkiness adds to its’ charm and I enjoy this one a little more with each viewing. Price outshines John Carradine at every turn in a rather interesting framing story. The second story seems a little out of place as it’s more comical while the final segment is quite creepy indeed. Not a classic but definitely worth checking it.

Karla’s Thoughts: This isn’t a horrible movie and I liked Vincent Price as usual. However, the weird 80s rock music and obviously fake monsters make the club sequences very odd at best. As an anthology, it’s well-written with the last story being the creepiest and the vampire story the weakest. It was fun to watch and I’d probably watch it again if it popped up on TV.



  • Director Roy Ward Baker also worked on numerous genre films, including The Vampire Lovers (1970), Scars of Dracula (1970) and Asylum (1972).
  • Writer R. Chetwynd-Hayes had previously written stories that were adapted for Night Gallery and From Beyond the Grave (1974).
  • John Carradine had 351 acting credits, including one of his first roles in The Invisible Man (1933). He also played Count Dracula five times (House of Frankenstein, House of Dracula, Matinee Theatre, Billy the Kid Versus Dracula and Nocturna) and Dr. Frankenstein (Frankenstein Island). He worked alongside Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr., Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and, of course, Vincent Price.
  • This marked the only film in which Vincent Price played a vampire.
  • Barbara Kellerman also worked with Vincent Price in The Oblong Box (1969).
  • Simon Ward appeared in Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969), Dracula (1974) and Supergirl (1984).
  • Donald Pleasance is best remembered for his role of Dr. Loomis in five of the Halloween films, as well as countless other genre roles in such films as Escape from New York (1981), Prince of Darkness (1987), Fantastic Voyage (1966) and as Blofeld in You Only Live Twice (1967) opposite Sean Connery’s James Bond.
  • Britt Ekland is best remembered for her role in The Wicker Man (1973) as well as in The Man with the Golden Gun (1974), both starring Christopher Lee.
  • Stuart Whitman might want to forget his other horror film, Night of the Lepus (1972).

Availability: The Monster Club is available on Blu-ray from Ronin Flix.

Countdown to Halloween Day 25 – Madhouse (1974)


Countdown to Halloween Day 25 – Madhouse (1974)
Cast:        Vincent Price as Paul Toombes
Peter Cushing as Herbert Flay
Robert Quarry as Oliver Quayle
Adrienne Corri as Faye Carstairs Flay
Special Participation by Boris Karloff & Basil Rathbone

Based on the novel by Angus Hall
Screenplay by Ken Levison & Greg Morrison
Directed by Jim Clark

Release Date: May 24, 1974

Plot: Paul Toombes has played the character of Dr. Death on-screen for years but suffers a nervous breakdown after finding the murdered body of his fiancée. After years in an institution, he returns to once again play the role but when cast and crew begin to die, he questions his sanity as all leads point to him.


Richard’s Review: I’ve warmed up to this one a little more over the years. Price is fun but I don’t think he’s up to his usual standards. It was fun to see him and Peter Cushing finally work together but it was sad to see them on opposite sides. I loved seeing the various old clips interspersed throughout the film. However, I didn’t care for the character of Faye Flay. Sorry, not a big fan of spiders. I’d definitely watch this one again but it isn’t one of my personal favorites.

Karla’s Thoughts: I really enjoyed Madhouse but it was kind of sad to see Peter Cushing play the villain. I really wanted to see him and Vincent Price work together not against each other. Price was great as usual. The young girls’ guardians at the beginning of the film seemed a little odd and out of place and there was an odd lack of police presence throughout the film. Not a great film but still fun. I wouldn’t seek it out but would definitely watch it if it popped up on TV.


  • This was the final film Price made for American International Pictures, ending a 14-year working partnership.
  • This was the third of four films Peter Cushing and Vincent Price worked together on but it was only the first time they actually appeared together on screen at the same time.
  • Scenes from Pit and the Pendulum (1961) and The Haunted Palace (1963) are incorporated into the film, as well as The Raven (1963) and Tales of Terror (1962).
  • This was the last of Jim Clark’s eight films as a director.
  • Robert Quarry actually wears his costume from Count Yorga, Vampire (1970), a film role he is best remembered for alongside his appearance in Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972).
  • Peter Cushing dresses as Count Dracula at a costume party as an in-joke to his several Dracula films where he played Van Helsing.
  • Vincent Price sings the song playing over the final credits.
  • Adrienne Corri worked with Boris Karloff in Col. March of Scotland Yard (1956).

Availability: Madhouse is available on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber.

Countdown to Halloween Day 24 – Theater of Blood (1973)


Countdown to Halloween Day 24 – Theater of Blood (1973)
Cast:        Vincent Price as Edward Lionheart
Diana Rigg as Edwina Lionheart
Ian Hendry as Peregrine Devlin
Harry Andrews as Trevor Dickman
Coral Browne as Chloe Moon
Michael Hordern as George Maxwell
Robert Morley as Meredith Merridew
Diana Dors as Maisie Psaltery
Jack Hawkins as Solomon Psaltery

Screenplay by Anthony Greville-Bell
Directed by Douglas Hickox

Release Date: April 5, 1973

Plot: Actor Edward Lionheart apparently commits suicide after being ridiculed by a group of theater critics. However, he’s very much alive and, with the help of his daughter, begins a series of revenge murders based on the works of William Shakespeare.


Richard’s Review: Clearly inspired by the series of murders seen in The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Theater of Blood comes across as it’s more mean spirited and bloodier cousin. Price is not quite as comical here but much more maniacal in his quest to rid the world of the critics who shamed him by giving a best actor award to a younger and more inexperienced actor. The murders are more gruesome (I’m thinking of you poodle pie) but just as effective. This was a fun flick but not up to the higher standards that Dr. Phibes established.

Karla’s Thoughts: This one is definitely not my favorite as it was way too graphic for me. And no, I didn’t watch the Merridew murder segment. Price was awesome, as usual, as he clearly reminded me of the superior Dr. Phibes. The film also seemed to be an inspiration for Who’s Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?, especially seeing Robert Morley in both films. The police are a little too stupid here and the critics were too. I didn’t hate this one but I doubt I’d rewatch it.



  • Douglas Hickox also worked on The Haunted Strangler (1958) with Boris Karloff and The Giant Behemoth (1959).
  • Both Vincent Price and Diana Rigg considered this to be one of their favorite movies.
  • Vincent Price and Coral Browne met on the set and their romance was encouraged by Diana Rigg despite that fact that Price was married. He would divorce his wife in August 1973 and married Coral in October 1974. They remain married until her death in 1991.
  • Ian Hendry played Dr. David Keel in the first season of The Avengers while Diana Rigg played Ms. Emma Peel for 51 episodes between 1965 and 1968.
  • Diana Rigg also appeared in a 2013 episode of Doctor Who in addition to being the only Bond girl to marry James in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1968).
  • Ian Hendry also starred in Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1969), Tales from the Crypt (1972) and Captain Kronos – Vampire Hunter (1974).
  • Michael Hordern played Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol (1951) and reprised the role in the animated version in 1971, both alongside Alastair Sim who played Ebenezer Scrooge.
  • Robert Morley played in another similar film, Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? (1978).
  • Jack Hawkins is well remembered for his starring roles in such classics as Ben-Hur (1959), Lawrence of Arabia (1962) and The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957).
  • Diana Dors starred alongside Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee in Nothing But the Night (1973) and was also in From Beyond the Grave (1974). She died in 1984 at the age of 52 of ovarian cancer.
  • Charles Gray provided the voice for Solomon Psaltery but he’s better remembered as Ernst Stavro Blofeld in Diamonds Are Forever (1971) opposite Sean Connery’s James Bond.

Availability: Theater of Blood was available on a now out-of-print Blu-ray from Twilight Time but you can still find it for about $30.

Countdown to Halloween Day 23 – Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972)


Countdown to Halloween Day 23 – Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972)
Cast:        Vincent Price as Dr. Anton Phibes
Robert Quarry as Darrus Biederback
Valli Kemp as Vulnavia
Hugh Griffith as Harry Ambrose
Peter Cushing as Captain
Caroline Munro as Victoria Regina Phibes
Peter Jeffrey as Inspector Trout
John Cater as Superintendent Waverly

Written by Robert Fuest & Robert Blees
Directed by Robert Fuest

Release Date: July 1972

Plot: Dr. Phibes has awakened and is now in search of ancient scrolls in Egypt. Inspector Trout is still in hot pursuit as Phibes and the resurrected Vulnavia search for the scrolls in a tale of death that crosses the globe.


Richard’s Review: Much like the original, multiple viewings have left me loving this one more and more. It doesn’t surpass the original for me but it’s still quite a lot of fun. Oh sure, there are plenty of plot holes and questions as to how Phibes got everything in the desert and in place for all of the deaths. Silly fun indeed and well worth a late night viewing or an afternoon matinee. Price is a joy to watch, even if he seems a little less inspired in this sequel.

Karla’s Thoughts: I really love this one, even more than the original. Price is great once again as Dr. Phibes. The story was interesting and I wanted to see more. I want to know if it actually worked at the end of the film. I assume it did and that they lived happily together but I wanted to see something that at least said that. I don’t understand how Vulnavia is still alive though after her end in the first film. The deaths are imaginative but just how did Phibes get all of that stuff to the desert? How did he power the giant fan? However, these are nitpicks because I’d definitely watch this one again!



  • Peter Cushing completed his brief role as the ship captain in one day.
  • Caroline Munro again appears uncredited as Victoria Regina Phibes.
  • Valli Kemp was cast to play Vulnavia as Virginia North was pregnant. The part was originally to be a different character as Vulnavia was killed in the first film.
  • Vincent Price and Robert Quarry did not get along very well as Price discovered that American International Pictures wanted to make Quarry their new horror star, effectively replacing Price. As legend has it, Quarry bragged to Price about being an opera singer, prompting Price to reply, “Well, I knew you weren’t a f—ing actor.”
  • The third Phibes film was to have featured Phibes either fighting a group of Nazis or searching for the key to Olympus. Several titles have surfaced over the years, including Phibes Resurrectus, The Seven Fates of Dr. Phibes and The Brides of Dr. Phibes. There were also plans for a Phibes television series, which never happened either. At last report, Malcolm McDowell has been considered for the part of Phibes in a new film, a decision reportedly encouraged by Vincent’s daughter Victoria.

Availability: Dr. Phibes Rises Again is available on Blu-ray in the Vincent Price Collection II.